French president Emmanuel Macron has announced that he has convinced institutional investors to plough €5 billion ($5.5bn) into late-stage VC funds and asset managers, as the country opens one of its tech…
Mr Trump Goes to Biarritz: What Does a Dramatic G7 Summit Mean for Tech?
This week’s G7 summit in Biarritz, France, has been jam-packed with all the amateur-dramatics we’ve come to expect from America’s CEO—from an insistence that Vladimir Putin be allowed back to the negotiating…

Samboat Raises Anchor on European Peer-to-Peer Boating Expansion
The first boat Pierre Le Poulain listed when he co-founded Samboat was his own. It was 2014, and Le Poulain, then working in Paris, France, wasn’t spending enough time on the sea.…

KKR Appoints Xavier Niel as Director
New York investment firm KKR has hired French billionaire Xavier Niel as an independent director, with a view to increasing its tech footprint. The move, effective yesterday, sees Niel take the seventh…

“We Want to Promote Sustainable Entrepreneurship”: Monaco’s New Incubator Sets its Hopes High
The tiny European nation of Monaco is known for many things, not least its casinos, marina and reputation as a hangout for the world’s rich and famous. But this September a tech…

Big Corporations Have Made Switzerland the World’s Innovation Capital – Can it Become a Startup Hub Too?
To say Switzerland has a reputation for innovation would be an understatement. Since 2008 it has ranked first on the Global Innovation Index eight of nine times. It also has the highest…

Macron’s Coup de Maitre: France and Technology
On his first day in office as newly-elected President, just after the swear-in ceremony, Emmanuel Macron will rediscover the place where he built his meteoric career. Five years ago Macron was just…

As Macron Marches to Victory, the Tech Industry Sighs with Relief
ast night, at 8pm local time, the media confirmed what polls had been telling us all day: Emmanuel Macron was heading to the Élysée Palace–and by a landslide. Thousands danced in the…

Britain’s Election Promises Stability – But Specter of Brexit Keeps it Away
Brexit continues to dominate European news. France’s lurch away from established political parties was greeted in the UK as much with trepidation as excitement, as finalist Presidential candidates Marine Le Pen and…

Algolia: Going Global to Compete with Google
Five years ago, when Algolia was founded, its founding duo were very much grounded in the French startup ecosystem. Nicolas Dessaigne and Julien Lemoine had both recently quit roles at Exalead, a software…