Social media platform WhatsApp has launched a new feature it hopes will make discourse more truthful. “Search the web” allows users to click on a small magnifying-glass image next to posts shared…
The Top 5 Apps for Journalists
Privacy, fake news, failing print media sales, terrorism, violent governments: it has rarely been more difficult a time to be a journalist than it is now. Thankfully there is a smorgasbord of…
Mark Zuckerberg Finally Says Sorry – Is It Too Late?
Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg has broken his five-day silence on the Cambridge Analytica affair, telling users the company’s policies represented “a breach of trust between Facebook and the people who share their…
BlackBerry to Battle Messaging Service Giants in Patent Suit
BlackBerry is suing three of the messaging space’s biggest companies for multiple patent violations. The Canadian firm is fighting Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp for a host of features related to its BlackBerry…
WhatsApp Down for Hours–With No Explanation
Users of messaging service WhatsApp were unable to send or receive data for several hours yesterday. By 1.30pm PST most of its 1.2 billion users could send and receive messages once more.…
WhatsApp Encryption at Center of London Terror Storm
Messaging service WhatsApp has been accused by the British government of giving terrorists “a safe place to hide”, after refusing to hand over messages communicated by the perpetrator of last week’s deadly…